Exercise 1

No Changes

Exercise 1

Apply HTML <tags> to provide structure to the plain text on the left

  • Use the sidebar to edit the code for the content visible on the left hand side of the page
  • The right hand side shows the goal for what you're hoping to achieve by adding HTML tags to the default plain-text content
This a heading 1 element This is the start of a really short paragraph. It has some other nested tags to emphasise/highlight some of the text. For example: This is bold text. And, even more exciting: This is italic text! This is a paragraph explaining the image below. Remember: images use a self-closing tag, and the image URL is set by the "src" attribute. This is a subheadline wrapped in "h3" tags. If we have a URL like the one at the end of this paragraph then it should be hyperlinked using the correct tag: https://www.google.com.au Please wrap my favourite YouTube video below in the correct tag As a last favour, please use an image tag with a src attribute to display the Gif below. Refer to the example image above as a hint for the correct tag and structure https://media1.giphy.com/media/fnMffPDWcr58k/giphy-downsized.gif

This a heading 1 element

This is the start of a really short paragraph. It has some other nested tags to emphasise/highlight some of the text. For example: This is bold text. And, even more exciting: This is italic text!

This is a paragraph explaining the image below. Remember: images use a self-closing tag, and the image URL is set by the "src" attribute.

This is a subheadline wrapped in "h3" tags.

If we have a URL like the one at the end of this paragraph then it should be hyperlinked using the correct tag: https://www.google.com.au

Please wrap my favourite YouTube video below in the correct tag

As a last favour, please use an image tag with a src attribute to display the Gif below. Refer to the example image above as a hint for the correct tag and structure